Top therapeutic areas (TAs) expected to drive biopharma market growth, 2022 to 2028

  1. Oncology: +$142B
  2. CNS (Neurology/Central nervous system): +$56B
  3. Endocrine: +$38B
  4. Immuno-modulators: +$36B
  5. Metabolic diseases: +$40B
  6. Cardiovascular: +$17B
  7. Blood: +$10B
  8. Musculo-skeletal: +$11B
  9. Other TAs: +$98B
  10. Anti-infectives: -$44B
Notes: Expected market growth of top biopharma therapeutic areas from where they were in 2022 to 2028(estimate) in US billions.

Source: EY, How life sciences can make the right deals in a time of change, January 2024 -